Which statement is true about term life insurance?
Which statement is true about term life insurance?
The difference between whole life insurance and term life insurance is that the former covers the holder for the duration of their life, not just a fixed term. There is also the perception that there is more value in this because the insurance company returns some of your premiums which it invests, which in theory means the sum grows. Usually the death benefit premium is not affected by this type of policy. Which statement is true about term life insurance?
There are a few variations on this type of policy. For instance, there is a single-premium, which allows wealthier people to put a lump sum into their policies and leave it there. The standard policy usually has month premiums and often provides the policy-holder with a minimum guaranteed return.
Some suggest that one of the benefits these policies provide over other types is that some of the premiums go toward the cash value of the policy. It also normally remains constant throughout the term you are covered. One thing that attracts many people is that the coverage lasts a lifetime, with no future medical examinations.
It has been recommended that people should not consider these types of policies a straight investment. The reason for this is that the returns have historically not been that high when judged against the stock exchange or other investments. The best idea, so some say, is to use the cover in the way it is intended.
It has been reported that these types of plans have actually performed well lately. However, some people do not like what they feel to be hefty fees in the first year, which eat away at the overall investment. However, as these are meant to be long terms plans, this should even itself out over time. Many investors already know this and have a 401k and a whole life insurance policy as a supplement.
There is plenty of choice for anyone wishing to give these policies a try. There can be variations depending on where they are purchased from. Some suggest that you should search for those firms which have the lowest yearly fees and have a good track record. There are some firms which are own by their policy-holders, and these are said to have much lower fees, meaning more money can be invested on your behalf.
It is suggested you seek financial help when choosing term cover or a whole life insurance plan. Both will provide cover up until you dies, its just that premiums from one will be invested and put back onto your policy. However, this is not for everyone and not everyone is suitable, so it is better to seek advice.
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